DIY Dramatic Play Kitchen

So I’m sure everyone sees things on Pinterest that they would like to do. I have pinned so many things that I never really had the courage to try. About a week ago, one of my teachers brought a desk to the center thinking they could use it for their teacher area, but it was too big (thanks Megan :)). When I saw it, I had a vision, and all the Pinterest ideas went flying through my mind. So I asked one of our other teacher to help me carry it, cut off the legs and cut a hole for the “sink” (Thank you Billy), then I went to town.
We added a piece of wood as a backboard.
I sanded it down and added holes for the faucet.
Painted the top with a silver semi-gloss and the base black
I decided the “table” area would look cute with some decoration, so I mod-podged a laced scrapbook paper down to the table, and coated the whole table with Mod Podge. After that I sprayed it with a clear acrylic.
Installed a “backsplash” and “sink” (stainless steel bowl)
Burner plates and an oven knob
A towel rack
Brought it into the classroom and added some accessories:
And… The final reveal