Fattet Hummus

Fattet hummus is a terrific meal for Lent. Typically served for breakfast, but I enjoy it any time of day 🙂
Fattet refers to the broken pieces of bread, that are used in salads and main dishes as a way to use up left-over bread. In the Middle East bread is usually purchased daily fresh from the “mkhbaz” (bakery), as it is without any preservatives. Day old bread is broken up and used in a number of “Fattet” dishes.
Today I used canned garbanzo beans, however if I had more time I would definitely use dried. If you use dry beans, save the hot broth to soak your bread.
Begin by tearing about 4 “loaves” of pita bread into about 1-2 inch pieces in a large bowl.
Add enough boiling water, or broth from the beans to soften the bread, cover and leave for a few minutes.
Add one drained can of garbanzo beans (or about 1 1/2 cups of cooked dried beans) to blender or food processor. Add 2-3 cloves of garlic, a little salt, 1/2 tsp Cumin, juice of one lemon, and about 1/2 cup tahina and blend until smooth.
Use Pestle to smash bread leaving some pieces.
Add hummus mixture and continue smashing until well combined.
Sprinkle with Cumin & Paprika
Toast either almond pieces or pine nuts. Top Fatte with nuts, chopped parsley and olive oil to taste.
Serve with side dishes of olives, pickles, radishes, green onion, tomato, cucumber or whatever else you like. This is eaten with a spoon. Sahtein Afiya!